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Monday, April 28, 2008

Credit Suisse plunges into loss on further heavy writedowns (AFP)

A Swiss flag flies above the logo a Credit Suisse branch in Bern. Credit Suisse bank has plunged to its first quarterly loss in five years, figures showed, as the bank reported heavy extra writedowns linked to the US subprime home-loan crisis.(AFP/Fabrice Coffrini)AFP - Credit Suisse bank has plunged to its first quarterly loss in five years, figures released Thursday showed, as the bank reported heavy extra writedowns linked to the US subprime home-loan crisis.

There are a number of ways to make money online, but relatively few of these openings will pay you enough money so that you can quit your job and work from home full time. They allow you the flexibility to do what you want, when you want and still earn the same amount or even more money than you did at your old job.

Although, many may be skeptical about how one can make money online, there are a few options that one looking to work online can choose from.

Freelancing as a writer or programmer and designer can often earn one tens of thousands of dollars annually, especially if you are well trained and have the skills and the marketing "know how" so that you can constantly find clients.

Affiliate programs where you are paid to promote the products of many companies are also another great way to earn money online. Obviously, if you can create your own product and promote it, that would be the ideal situation as you would be able to keep all revenue that you earn rather than just 10% or 20% of the total sale value.

Still, the most popular way that those who work online are earning a stable income is through the creation of web sites and the sale of advertisement space and the use of programs such as Google AdSense or the Yahoo Publisher network.


For those who have worked to hone their skills in writing or web site design and creation, freelancing is probably the best online job opportunity. It allows them to run all aspects of their business from finding clients, completing the work, and/or subcontracting the work. Although this may be more work than if you worked in a team with a group of people, as a solo freelancer, you keep all of the money you make, rather than splitting it among the members/employees of your company. There are a numbers of freelance opportunities available today.

Content Writing
If you love to write and have strong writing skills, you should seriously consider offering a content writing service where you provide articles for magazines and web sites to publish.

Forum Posting
Forum posting is also another option. It involves contacting the owner of a new forum and to see if they are willing to pay for posts to help get their forum off the ground and boost activity. The best way to get a steady job forum posting is to visit webmaster forums where many of these owners are often searching for posters.

Webmaster forums are also a great place to find content writing jobs, but there are many other web sites that offer an up to date list of the latest content writing opportunities and thus these sites should be utilized as well. A content writer or forum poster who puts the time required to be successful into working can earn up to six figures annually.

Article Submission Service

Article Submission and Directory Submission is also a way that many freelancers can earn some extra money on the side. It involves submitting a web site to numerous web directories or submitting an article to many article directories. The purpose of this service is to help webmasters gain links to their web site.

Link Building Service

Direct link building is a great way that those who either own a large network of web sites or know someone who does can earn thousands online. Link building requires one to obtain back links to their client's web sites on other 3rd part sites. Link builders are usually paid at a flat rate per link that they secure and payment can range from $2-$10 a link and beyond.

Web design and Programming

Finally, for those who are familiar with web site design and programming, freelancers in the web site creation industry can get paid anywhere from $500 to $10,000 and more for a project depending on the amount of work required. This is one of the most lucrative online opportunities available, but to be successful, you will need to get the proper training so that clients are satisfied with your work and you are hired to take on larger, better compensating projects.


Affiliate programs are another very popular way to make money online. One can create a web site and put utilize space on their web site by advertising a certain product. The advertisement will be a link to an eStore where the product is being sold, and if an affiliate is able to drive a customer to the eStore, the owner of the eStore will pay the affiliate a certain percentage of the sale. Many major companies, such as eBay, Sears, Wal-Mart, and hundreds of others that sell products online have affiliate programs.

To sign up for one of these programs, you should visit and sign up with Click Bank and Commission Junction. These are the two web sites that most companies who have affiliate programs use to keep track of earnings, and to be able to participate in affiliate programs, you will have to be a member of one of these two web sites. Recently, many affiliates are using pay per click advertising program such as Google AdWords where they pay a certain amount of money for each visitor who clicks on the advertisement. The advertisement is an affiliate link so if the one clicks on the link makes a purchase, you can earn money through affiliate programs without even creating a web site.


Finally, we reach the most popular way of making money online, running web sites. The key to building a successful web site is coming up with a new fresh idea so that you will draw traffic.

Once you have got an idea, the first thing you need to do is secure hosting at a popular and reliable web host, such as GoDaddy or BlueHost. You can sign up for an account and pay for a certain hosting plan. The more you pay, the larger a web site you can create and the larger your bandwidth is. If you are unsure about all the technical aspects of running and hosting a web site, you should check with your web hosting provider what plan is best for you and your needs. Your host will also help you get a domain and transfer all files to get your site up and running.

Once you have a site live on the Internet and you are marketing it and drawing traffic, it is time to think about monetization. With a web site, you can either sell your own products that customers can purchase online or create a website for a service, such as the ones mentioned above. Those who may not have as much time, often opt to create a web site, get traffic, and use a program such as Google AdSense where they are paid each time a visitor clicks on an advertisement. Webmasters may also sell links to advertisers directly to earn more revenue from their web site.

There are a lot of great online opportunities available on the Internet, and if you are willing to put in the time and effort requires, you can make enough to quit your regular full time job and work from home online.

Arun Kumar is a home business expert with 5+ years experience. He currently owns several successful websites including and . You can find out legitimate work at home ideas at .

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How To Stage A Viral Marketing Campaign That Works

There are all sorts of ways to initiate a viral marketing campaign that brings targeted traffic straight to you, but one of the best is through the use of free ebooks.

A viral marketing ebook is something that can be distributed to numerous people with relative ease. With each new person that receives one of your free ebooks, you gain an opportunity to make a profit from your products and services or from an affiliate's products or services.

There are three major components that are necessary to creating a viral marketing campaign that works:

Wide Distribution

There are many ebook writers who charge for their creation. It's common practice. But the fact is, charging for ebooks is not the best way to achieve wide distribution. People love items that are free or discounted. By offering free ebooks, you ensure a wide distribution for your campaign. If you allow the books to be redistributed or rebranded, you practically guarantee more targeted traffic, and in turn, more profit for you.

Quality Content

The quality of your free ebooks is important. Readers aren't impressed with spelling and grammar errors. In fact, such problems may cause the reader to stop reading altogether, or worse, create distrust in the products and services that are mentioned. If the ebook isn't professional, your targeted traffic won't take you seriously.

In addition to avoiding content errors, you will also want to make sure that any affiliate links that are featured within the free ebooks are somehow relevant to the content and title of the ebooks. For example, you don't want to be discussing a subject like dog walking and then thrown in a random link for a domain registration services. It is much better to weave the affiliate link into your writing so that its appearance seems natural. Readers will respond to this much faster than they would to a high pressured and sloppy sales technique.

Maximum Return

If you want to make sure that you get the maximum return possible on your viral marketing campaign, you will need to get the rebranding balance just right in your free ebooks. The best way to do this is by making sure that the links are for your own products or for products that you have resale rights to. You can also use links that are for 2-tier affiliate programs, ensuring that you collect the second tier commission when a rebrander makes a sale.

When done properly, using a viral marketing campaign that centers around free ebooks can bring you the targeted traffic you need. You will make profit time and time again, with very little effort on your part.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.

A sign board showing fuel prices is pictured at a petrol station in Dortmund, April 25, 2008. (Ina Fassbender/Reuters)Reuters - Oil struck a record high at $119.93 a barrel on Monday, extending the previous session's rally, as a strike closed a major British oil pipeline and as new violence in Nigeria reignited supply fears.

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